General conditions of use of the website.

The web domain, is a domain title of public service jobs state, made available to the National System of employment. The National employment system consists of the Public employment service State and public employment services of the autonomous communities, and is defined as the set of structures, necessary measures and action to promote and develop employment policy. Is based in its organization and operation, in a series of principles, including transparency in the functioning of the labour market and the establishment of the policies needed to ensure the free movement of workers for reasons of employment or training.

The essential elements that guarantee this principle are, on the one hand, the collaboration between the public employment service state and public employment services of the autonomous communities to create, develop and maintain a system of common information organized with a computer structure integrated and consistent, and on the other, the existence of a common database that allows the dissemination of tenders, applications for employment and training opportunities throughout the state, as in the rest of the countries of the European Economic Area. Given the previous collaborative framework, members of the national employment system agreed that the ownership of this domain appropriate to public service jobs State.

The SEPE informs you that the access and use of the website and all subdomains and directories including under the same (hereinafter collectively as such as Web), as well as the services or contents that through it can be obtained are subject to the terms described in this Legal notice, without prejudice that access to any of these services or contents might specify the acceptance of additional general conditions. All this, with the objective of fulfilling the role of general information and attention to the citizen in the terms established in Article 4 the royal decree 208 / 1996 , 9 February, which regulates the administrative information services and attention to the citizen, as well as the provision of services related to employment, training, and unemployment benefits.

Therefore, if the conditions stated in this Legal Notice you do not agree, please do not use the Web, since any use of the same or the services and contents in it imply the acceptance of the legal terms contained in this text. In this sense, it is understood by user to any person accessing, browsing, use or participate in services and activities in the Web.

The terms and conditions contained in the present Warning may vary without prior notice, so we invite you to review these terms when you visit again the Web. The SEPE is not responsible for the damages that may be caused by the use of the tools and information contained on the Web, in connection with decisions on startup, development or result of administrative procedures. Such decisions must be tested in places, agencies or competent units. In any case, the information and contents of this website may not be invoked in contradictory processes with the public administration, does not assume any responsibility for any discrepancies that might exist between the printed documents of the competent authority and the electronic publication on these pages.

Use of the website, its services and contents

The SEPE facilitates the consultation free of the information contained in the Web site (texts, graphics, sound files and/or image, photos, designs, or any other), however, is prohibited:

  • Their reproduction, copying, distribution, dissemination, public communication, transformation or modification, except with the authorization of their legitimate owners or is legally permitted. However, it allows copying and distribution of pages that are always quote the source and the date on which it has done copying, are not manipulated nor alter the contents and is not used directly for commercial purposes. Similarly, the SEPE authorizes free download of the manuals, print, aid programmes and information publications included in the website for purposes of reproduction and distribution, unless otherwise stated explicitly in the website.
  • Any violation of the rights of SEPE or their owners.
  • Their use for all types of commercial or advertising purposes other than those legally allowed.
  • Any attempt to obtain the contents by any means other than those that are made available to you or customary in Internet and in that case if it does not cause any harm to the SEPE.

The texts that are offered on the website are merely informative, i.e. no legal validity. For legal purposes, should be accessed the texts published in the Official Journals and Newsletters.

Access to the website, as well as the use that may be made of the information contained therein, are the sole responsibility of the user. The SEPE shall not be liable for any consequence, damage or prejudice that may derive from this access or use of information, with the exception of all those performances resulting from the implementation of legal provisions which should be subject to strict exercise its powers.

Web users are subject to the following conditions:

  • Facilitate, in case for certain services accessible through the Web necessary fill in a form of access, true and legal information on the use of the services offered by this website, recognizing assume any responsibility for the information provided. The Web allows the creation of user accounts for citizens and companies interested in using certain services offered from this Web space.

Authentication shall be by DNI electronic, electronic certificate recognized admitted by the General administration of the state, as well as user IDs and passwords supplied by public employment services.
In any case the SEPE shall be responsible for the contents provided by users, although serve diligently in the elimination of contents contrary to the law, morality and public order, as aperciba them.

  • Use the website and its services without contravening the present general conditions and those specific conditions that govern it as well as the current legislation, good faith, the generally accepted uses or public order.
  • Not to use the website or its services for illicit purposes or that may cause damage to SEPE or any third party, or that, in any way, may cause prejudice or prevent the normal functioning of the same.

Quality of information.

The SEPE reserves the right to make changes to the site without prior notice, to update, correct, modify, add or remove the contents of the website or its design. The contents and services offered by the Website is updated regularly, so it is recommended to check the accuracy of the information, services and contents included in the web.

Availability of information and services

The SEPE does not guarantee the perfect operation of the communications network, without any liability on the availability of your server. The server may be disconnected without notice. The SEPE is not responsible for any damage or injury suffered by the user that may derive from access to this server or the use of information or applications contained therein.

Intellectual property rights and industrial property

Both the website design and source codes, such as logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs apearing in the same, belong to the SEPE or collaborating entities unless specifies a different title and are protected by the rights of intellectual and industrial property, like images and other content available on the server SEPE.

Use, reproduction, distribution, marketing, public communication, transformation or any other activity similar or similar, is prohibited, constitute an infringement of the intellectual property rights of SEPE or person who is the owner, except with expressed authorization of SEPE. Unauthorized use of the information contained in the Website, as well as the damages caused on the rights of intellectual and industrial property of SEPE can lead to the exercise of the corresponding legal actions..

The license of use of any content of the Web granted the user is limited to the download by the user of such content and private use of the same, provided that the aforementioned contents remain Inviolate. In any case means that access and navigation of the user implies a waiver, transfer, license or total or partial cession of these rights by the SEPE.

Accordingly, it is not permissible to delete, evading or manipulating the copyright notice ("copyright") and any other data identifying the rights of SEPE or its owners included in the contents, as well as the technical protection devices, fingerprints or any information or mechanisms of identification that may be included in the content.

The SEPE respects the rights of intellectual and industrial property of others; therefore, please contact the SEPE if you know the violation of these rights on the


The SEPE expressly forbids the realization of “ Framings ” or use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or Web content.

Establishment of hyperlinks or links.

Hyperlinks to other websites.

On the website have been included links to pages of third party websites (“ links ”), most to Internet pages of other public administrations, that have been considered of interest to users. However, the SEPE assumes no responsibility deriving from the connection or contents of the links of third parties mentioned on the website.

Hyperlinks from other websites.

Will not allow users to establish hyperlinks from web pages of other Internet portals to any of the Web pages of SNE, except express agreement of SEPE

Privacy Policy - protection of personal data.

Through this portal (SNE) are not collected personal data without your knowledge, nor are yielded to third.

  • With the aim of offering better service and facilitate the use, are collected statistics analysed the number of pages visited, the number of visits, and frequency of use. To this end, the Public employment service (SEPE) uses the statistical information developed by Google Analytics.
  • The SEPE does not use cookies to collect information of users, nor registered IP addresses. Cookies are used exclusively own, meeting, with purpose technique, in order to facilitate the user ’ s browsing through the site by providing access to the services offered as well as the various options available.

The portal, which is property of the SEPE, contains links to third-party websites, whose privacy policies are beyond the SEPE, each of them will display their privacy policy and cookies. In general, can accept or reject cookies from third from the settings of your browser.

Below we provide basic information on the data protection policy of public service jobs State.

Responsible for the Treatment

The public employment service State (hereinafter SEPE) domiciled in Street Condesa de Venadito n. 9 28027 - Madrid is the owner of this Web Portal and responsible for the processing of their data, in the terms of the regulation (HAT) 2016 / 679 the European Parliament and advice, 27 April 2016 (RGPD), concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the treatment of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing the directive 95 / 46 /CE, and in accordance with Organic Law 3 / 2018 , 5 December, of protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights for this purpose, take the necessary steps to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access to personal data.

The personal data that might be collected directly to the person will be treated confidentially and will be incorporated into the corresponding treatment activity SEPE's title.

The updated list of treatment activities that the SEPE conducts are available at the following link to record of activities of the ministry of Work, migrations and Social security.

Purpose and legitimacy of treatment. Timing of conservation of the personal data. International Transfers of personal data

The collection and automatic processing of personal data is intended to management, provision, extension and improvement of the services requested at any time by the user and monitoring of queries raised by users. The purpose corresponds to each of the activities of treatment that is accessible in the register treatment activities.
The treatment of personal data is done mainly for the implementation of legal obligations by SEPE, or for the performance of functions carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred the person responsible for processing, mainly through the Royal Decree 1383 / 2008 , 1 August, which approves the organizational structure and institutional involvement of public service state employment within the framework of the royal decree 208 / 1996 , 9 February, which regulates the administrative information services and attention to the citizen.

You can consult the legal basis for each treatment activities carried out by the SEPE in the register treatment activities.
Periods of conservation of your personal data will be set depending on the rules applicable to the particular case and, in any case, for the time necessary to meet the purpose for obtaining and to determine the potential responsibilities that might arise from the purpose, in addition to the periods laid down in the regulation of files and administrative documentation.

In general there will be no communications of personal data to third parties, except legal obligation, which can estarlas communications to the ombudsman, judges and courts, you can consult the recipients for each of the activities in the register treatment activities.

Exercise of rights

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, suppression and portability of your data, limitation and opposition to the treatment, as well as not to be discriminated decisions based solely on the automated treatment of your data, where appropriate, before the public employment service State. In the case of ignoring the body responsible for the treatment or if you need to consult concerning data protection, you can head to the delegation of data protection via

The interested party may claim to Spanish Agency of data protection, when deemed to have violated their rights to the protection of personal data.

The data will be collected through the corresponding forms, which contain only essential fields for the processing of benefits or services requested, and be retained for the time necessary to meet services, based on the current legislation on prescription. Corresponds to interested updating their own data; the public employment service State will not be responsible for its inaccuracy if not communicate the changes that have occurred.

The SEPE reserves the right to modify this privacy policy to suit legislative developments, law or interpretation of the Spanish Agency of data protection. In this case, the SEPE announce such changes, clearly indicating, and in advance, changes, and seeking, if necessary, their acceptance of such changes.

Technical information essential.

The minimum will SEPE technical information essential to provide a good service through this website. In particular, when the user connects to the Web, the SEPE analyzes exclusively the type of browser used and its version, with the aim of selecting the style sheet more adequate and the display of the Web is correct, as well as the language and the charset your browser with the same reason, for example, to the correct visualization of accented characters.

Multilingual Version.


Warns that, in general, can be a gap between the version in Spanish and other languages, resulting from the translation process to them.

Responsibilities and guarantees.

The SEPE declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures to guarantee the functioning of Web space, security in the exchange of information and data in the different services offered, avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to users.

The SEPE undertakes to inform prior to the end user on the possible maintenance and cuts in the availability of the page, through established announcements and news on your own website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction.

The law applicable in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this Legal notice, as well as any issue related to the services of the website, will be the Spanish law.

For the resolution of any dispute that may arise during the visit to the website or the use of the services that it can offer, the SEPE and the user agree to submit to the judges and courts of user's home, provided that the same is located in Spanish territory.