Usability and accessibility

The Public employment service State (SEPE), Autonomous Body attached to the ministry of labour and Social economy, has pledged to make accessible its website, in accordance with Royal Decree 1112 / 2018 , 7 September on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector.

This statement of accessibility applies to the website https ://

Compliance status

This website is partially in accordance with the royal decree 1112 / 2018 due to the lack of conformity of the aspect that shown below.

Content does not accessible

The content contained below is not accessible by:

  • a) lack of conformity with the RD 1112 / 2018

    • On pages in languages other than English can exist texts in Spanish, the change of language is not labelling correctly, because this situation is temporary until its final translation automatic or manual.

    • There may be specific bugs editing in any web page.

  • b) the content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation.

    • At this moment, on the Web of SEPE there are a large number of files in PDF with origin of production very different as database, statistical programmes, etc, that make accessibility for this type of documents difficult to address for the moment. However, other documents that are in PDF format and from WORD files or another layout programme, adapted to the standard as quickly as possible.

Preparation of this statement of accessibility

This statement was made the 13 December 2018 through a self-assessment that have been used tools like the provided by the observatory of accessibility that turn, has been combined with the automatic validation tool TAW - Test of Web Accessibility that allows you to perform an analysis and provides information on the level of accessibility that present Web pages, in addition to use of external tools to analyse the contrasts.

It has also been used the tools of W3C to validate web pages on the standards HTML, XHTML, DIDNT, CSS, etc.

Last revision of the declaration 13 December 2018 .

Comments and contact details

Our goal is to continue to work every day in improving accessibility. We invite you to send their complaints or suggestions from any breach of accessibility requirements set out in the royal decree 1112 / 2018 , in addition to request information and/or transmit other difficulties of access to content.

At your disposal has available the following form suggestions and complaints of accessibility and/or the following physical office of attention:

General office information technology and communications, public employment service state, c/Countess of Venadito 9 , 28027 Madrid .

Application procedure

It is working on launching a application procedure that should be instituted if the answer is unsatisfactory and to initiate a claim to know and oppose the grounds for dismissal.

The complaints procedure laid down in Article 13 the RD 1112 / 2018 enter into force on 20 September 2020 .

Optional content

Satisfies all points of verification of priority 1 and 2 (level AA) defined in the standard UNE-EN 301549 v 1 . 1 . 2 : 2015 and accessibility guidelines for Web content 2 . 0 by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) established by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Icono de conformidad con el Nivel Doble-A de las Directrices de Accesibilidad para el Contenido Web 2.0 del W3C-WAI

This declaration of conformity contains all pages that are under the domain excluding pages that lead us external links as well as the contents that are embedded in but from other servers.

The portal has been done using HTML and stylesheets. The language of filing used is the result of the transformation of the original documents that are built in a structured manner using XML and files of presentation XSL.

Icono W3C que indica que este contenido web utiliza HTML 4.01 Transicional válido

All pages of this portal are built using cascading style sheets (CSS) in line with the recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Icono W3C que indica que este contenido web utiliza CSS válido

Text size

Sources have been used with relative sizes so that if the user prefers greater source you can select it via the options of text size of your browser.

Structure of pages

This portal is designed with a common format for all pages of content, and header area Ariadna thread (tracker), central and footer. This allows easily become familiar with the structure of documents, facilitating the navigation for those who need technical aids to use the website.

Header: includes Selection area of language, area of menu of utilities and search engine.

The area of subcabecera includes the thread of Ariadna performing the double function of the user guide and allow navigation to other pages.

Central area of content and navigation menu.

An area that serves as a closing these pages and displays information institutional.

Presentación de páginas controlada a través de hojas de estilo (CSS) validadas.

Content formats

Some contents are displayed or expand with content available in other formats for which some users do not have connectors (plugins) required. Below are the formats used by the website of the national employment system and links to download for free.

For maximum visual experience of the portal is convenient but is not required Javascript enabled in your browser.